ecco la mia proposta:
The Duel, a real time game of dueling cowboys
Both players take randomly 4 dice each, the remaining die is rolled at the center of the table.
Both players can roll their dice simultaneously, then they can set apart the dice they want to keep and reroll the others as many times they want until one player yell: “bang!”. The other player must stop rolling and take a look at what kind of poker hand the shooting player has, considering the dice at the center as part of his hand. He now has just one reroll of his dice to produce a better hand of his opponent, and can use the dice at the center has part of his hand. He can reroll any of his dice, even the one that he previusly kept apart.
The player with the better hand is the winner of this Duel, he take a chip to count the win and a new duel can start.
The winner of 3 duels out of 5 is the winner of the game.
Veramente carino, complimenti. Ricorda Escape, ma senza tutta l'inutile sovrastruttura.
Quando l'allievo è pronto... il maestro arriva!