Consiglio a tutti questo meeting, organizzato da uno dei fondatori degli Space Cowboys e già ospite speciale di IDEAG.
Anche lo speech di Matthieu d'Epenoux è sicuramente interessante. E da non perdere una visita all'annesso Museo Svizzero del Gioco.
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Dear all,
This year's meeting will be on May 9th and 10th, with the usual program.
Saturday's conference will this time be held by Matthieu D'Epenoux, big boss of Cocktail Games, who will tell us about games for firms, metal boxes and the smart-dumb concept.
Same as every year, it will be a 30 to 45 minute presentation followed by Q & A.
For more informations on the week-end :
Again as usual, you are kindly invited to the Friday night's raclette in our courtyard, starting at 7.00 p.m. Old-timers are familiar with the concept. First-timers who have questions may ask them any time using this address.
GameWorks SàRL
Sebastien Pauchon, CEO
Rue du Collège 14
CH – 1800 Vevey
+41 21 922 27 09